About Me

Personal Details

Here's some more info obout me.

About Me

During my education at the University of Toronto, I felt that a traditional Bachelors of Business Adminstration lacked the technical education demanded by the modern age. After some considerations about my passions, interests and career paths, I enrolled in the newly founded IT branch of my program. To learn everything I could about computer programming, data science, and the tech industry in addition to my traditional business curriculum.

Graduating with a bachelors in Business Administration in 2022, I did not know in what direction my life was headed. After some self-reflection, I dedicated my time to data projects that honed my proficiency with various technologies and data science techniques. I had enrolled in a business intelligence bootcamp to learn more about data engineering. I believe my experience at DHL and PyCap provided me with a business mindset I can leverage in my future data-driven career.

Why did you make this website?

I created and deployed this website as a potfolio site showcasing my journey and experiences. In the future I will use this website as a showcase for data science and machine learning projects. I also plan to update this site to include future photography and artistic endeavors.

I enjoyed learning more about web design and development. Having conducted similar projects in the past for school, building a website for personal use brought about a greater sense of achievement.

How long have you been practicing data analysis?

I began developing an analytical mindset from a young age. Throughout university, I have conducted data analysis on many topics including economics, finance, and other aspects of business management. I gained work experience analysing and forecasting operational data using excel through my internship experience at DHL.

After learning software development, specifically Python and R, I began to learn and utilize complex analytical tools accompanied by a foundational knowledge of statistical methods. Recently completing a business intelligence bootcamp where I learned about creating enterprise-level data pipelines in Microsoft SQL Server.

Do you have any experience working with databases?

I have experience working with relational and graph databases. Through previous projects, I have created an Android application using SQlite as data storage, and Neo4j for a Java API.

I have intermediate knowledge of SQL queries, working with Google BigQuery and Microsoft SQL Server. I believe knowledge on every step of a DevOps/MLOps life cycle is invaluable when working with data.

Why are you interested in machine learning?

After learning fundamental analysis techniques using Python, R, and Excel, I believe ML is an essential step to further improve my data analysis capabilities. Machine learning is a tool that has been widely adopted in industry for it's powerful processing capabilities.

I was introduced to the potential of machine learning through colleagues working on GPU chips. Since then, I have explored the applications of ML for data analysis and business. I am interested in the development and adoption of ML-Ops, to create pipelines for data analysis with similar efficiency of traditional DevOps.

What kind of work do you see yourself doing?

I am interested in conducting data analysis, using cutting edge tools and methods, that have impacts on a business' operation and strategy. To work at the crossroad of technical analysis and business management.